

Membership is open to anyone who has a connection, however tenuous, to the parish and/or either of the churches.

Members receive occasional newsletters providing information about the Friends, projects and social events.

Various fund-raising events are held during the year and outings are arranged from time to time. Previous outings have included visits to:

  • Elgar’s Birthplace Museum and Worcester Cathedral
  • Cider Museum and Hereford Cathedral
  • Gloucester Docks and Gloucester Cathedral
  • Ely Cathedral and Cambridge (including Evensong at King’s College Chapel)
  • Lincoln Cathedral
  • The National Memorial Arboretum and Lichfield Cathedral
  • SS Great Britain, Bristol Docks and Wells Cathedral


  • Annual membership is a minimum of £10, paid by standing order
  • Life membership is £200
  • Corporate membership is £50 per annum

100 Club
As a further method of raising funds a 100 Club has been established. Members of the club are allocated numbers and pay a monthly fee to enter a draw (£1 per number per month). Three cash prizes are allocated each month, the value of which depends on the fees collected for that month.
Further information can be obtained from Graham Earle on 07805 421255
, Email

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